Friday, January 12, 2007

New Day 08

Selasa, 9 Januari 2007.
8.04 p.m.

Hi all.

Finally nulis blog lagi.
What a day!!
Haruse hari ini kasi penawaran. Akire ndak isa.
Why? Dari tadi pagi sampe sore di tempat klien.
Ngga isa berkutik sama sekali.
Cuman telpon2.
Itu pun karena urgen banget.
Ada masalah di bagian produksi. Which is my reponsiblity should carry it on.
Well, thank God, though it is not finished yet… the problem has been solved.

A very nice support from Julie’ve provided.
Though I do realized that she’s not in a better condition than me 
Thanks a lot sis.
Either you realized or not, there’re many things u’ve done is precious to me.

Through these hard times, my presume
There’re things I’ve learned

I’ve learned how to keep on connecting
By keep memorizing all special greatest moments I’ve had

I’ve learned how to keep on struggling
By keep memorizing all the harder moments I’ve experienced

I’ve learned how to keep on being faithful
By keep testifying all my friends and sisters’ examples I’ve seen

I’ve learned how to keep on dreaming
By keep hoping for all God’s love He’ll always provide

All I need

Not more
Not less
Absolutely enough
Precisely adequate
Accurately sufficient

His works will all make all things good in me.

Thank God for He keeps me back on His path.

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